
There are very few places left, and none in New Zealand where you can speak freely. Technically we have free speech. The problem is we have no balance. New Zealand does not have a free and balanced media.

I will give two examples to prove the point, however there are many more.

Recently Winston Peters claimed that New Zealand’s media had been bribed. The media called it was false claim. However the definition of a bribe is…

“to try to make someone do something for you by giving them money, presents, or something else that they want”

It is clear that the Labour government had in fact given media money with political strings attached. He was in fact correct.

Another good example of why I have taken to this blog is that dissenting views on things as simple as firearms laws or identity politics are never discussed on mainstream media. Nor is the ideas of those who want true racial equality and equal opportunity in New Zealand.

A clear example of this is an organisation called Hobson’s Pledge. A few years ago a member of that organisation went to Australia to promote their position on Sky News.

That’s right, in New Zealand we weren’t allowed to hear their position on our news. Australia got to hear it because our media has such a massive, extreme left wing bias that dissent isn’t allowed.

This is also something that the NZCPR has commented on, in a December 2023 article called Regime Change, the article states… “The Worlds of Journalism Study 2.0. Journalists in Aotearoa/New Zealand published last October by Massey University asked journalists to identify where they stood on the political spectrum: nine out of ten identified as ‘left-wing’, and one in three as hard core.”

Thankfully we now have a beacon of hope, we now have a coalition government with many policies designed to protect equal opportunity and equal rights, and because this is the first time in our history that we have a coalition moderate government representing 3 parties, this means we have a government that does represent the people to a larger degree than ever before in recent history.

Everything I say on this blog is said under the protection of and should be protected by the Bill of Rights Act, specifically…

“14 Freedom of expression

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

I would also like to say that whilst the overwhelming majority of what I say is personal belief. I do reserve the right, especially if I was to ever appear in a courtroom, that some of might content, a small percentage perhaps is merely an academic argument. Theoretical you might say. Furthermore I reserve the right to claim, regarding any section of any article, that a point made in that article may have been a mere “sandbox” argument, in other words not a statement of belief but merely for practice and experimentation. Therefore I encourage you to do your own research and analysis, remember that even though we are no longer a free country, you still have free will, and never let anyone control your tongue.

I do give commentary on legal matters in New Zealand, my understanding is “ignorance of the law is not an excuse”. So I take my responsibility to understand the law seriously. However this is difficult considering laws now are more vague than ever, which is a terrible trend, my hopes are with the new government to fix that. I am not a Lawyer, but if I am responsible to abide by the law then I have a corresponding right to present my interpretation of those laws. If my analysis proves incorrect, then paradoxically it would prove that the laws being discussed are indeed vague, and I am therefore correct.

The subtitle for this sites banner is an interesting choice. Many years ago during the turbulent activism of the 60s and 70s. A left wing group created a button that said “Silence is the offence”. This is a concept that will be explored, but suffice to say that this concept is a door that swings both ways. Radicals do not have a monopoly on speaking, despite their massive and largely successful attempts at censorship in recent years.

Lastly these articles are not “published” in the traditional sense, in other words they are not set in stone. I reserve the right to remove any knife from my drawer and resharpen it at my discretion, as I also reserve the right to alter these articles… to sharpen them rightly.


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