
Welcome to my site, the best place to start is clicking the introduction button above. However I must warn you that this site, in my opinion is not suitable for children. This site covers topics with a level of frankness and brutal honesty that I don’t recommend for the weak of mind. This site is for those of us willing to bear the burden of responsibility in our society.

The articles on this site are currently organised into these categories.

Culture War
The Woke Dictionary / Wokeionary
New Zealand Politics
Global Politics
Website Reviews
Book Reviews
And our special last category, this site is the home of the infamous Crying Monkey Awards.

  • The Ethics of Transgenderism

    Part 1 Our Society, like every Western Society. Is a society where many different ideas exist. In order for society to work, there are certain things that we must all agree on. For example driving on the same side of the road. To disagree… and simply implement you dissenting view without considering the consequence in…

  • Three Wise Men

    As you may have surmised having read some articles on this site, I value honesty most of all. I can say with absolute confidence that society would be much the better if all else paled before honesty and truth in dialogue and correspondence. In this article, I would like to share with you, and impress…

  • Nothing but the Truth

    Sky News Australia, is one of the few mostly trustworthy new sites in the world. A Bombshell news video has come online regarding leaked emails on transgender health. I encourage you to watch the video before proceeding with my article. However as a person with a long memory. It is extremely disappointing that people are…

  • Woke Dictionary – Woke

    The word Woke is interesting. The rational side of this culture war has made an example of making irrational leftists look stupid by asking them to define what a woman is. Recently Libs of Tiktok received a dose of revenge when she was apparently unable to define Woke when put on the spot. What makes…

  • The Ethics of Transgenderism

    Part 1 Our Society, like every Western Society. Is a society where many different ideas exist. In order for society to work, there are certain things that we must all agree on. For example driving on the same side of the road. To disagree… and simply implement you dissenting view without considering the consequence in…

  • Three Wise Men

    As you may have surmised having read some articles on this site, I value honesty most of all. I can say with absolute confidence that society would be much the better if all else paled before honesty and truth in dialogue and correspondence. In this article, I would like to share with you, and impress…

  • Nothing but the Truth

    Sky News Australia, is one of the few mostly trustworthy new sites in the world. A Bombshell news video has come online regarding leaked emails on transgender health. I encourage you to watch the video before proceeding with my article. However as a person with a long memory. It is extremely disappointing that people are…

  • Woke Dictionary – Woke

    The word Woke is interesting. The rational side of this culture war has made an example of making irrational leftists look stupid by asking them to define what a woman is. Recently Libs of Tiktok received a dose of revenge when she was apparently unable to define Woke when put on the spot. What makes…

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