The word Woke is interesting.

The rational side of this culture war has made an example of making irrational leftists look stupid by asking them to define what a woman is.

Recently Libs of Tiktok received a dose of revenge when she was apparently unable to define Woke when put on the spot.

What makes this interest is this, the concept of a Woman is an obvious biological category. So any rational person who is aware of the existance of sexual dimorphism in mammals will be able to at least get very close to a rational definition. Easy.

So the reason the left fails this test is simple. You are asking irrational people to answer a rational question… so they fail.

However when a leftist asks a rational person to define woke and the rational person fails to answer. This is an example of a rational person being asked to define something irrational.

In other words these two situations are compete opposites.

It is much harder to define an irrational concept rationally than it is to define something that is rational like biological reality.

Woke Definitions

Now the classic leftist definition of Woke is this…

the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them,”

Or this…

“having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities”

Now the definition above is interesting because it mentions sexual minorities, because there are only two sexes and the number of men and women are about the same… there is no such thing as a sexual minority!

So the problem with Woke, and this is the problem that is tearing our society apart, is that the left is wielding accusations of discrimination as a weapon and convicting without evidence. To the point that a man can put a dress on and everyone who calls that person a man can be called a bigot and fired from their job. The irrationality of the lefts position on this issue is self evident.

This is a key point to understand Woke, the left, historically was quite rational, even having rational superiority on some issues over the right. However the rise of Woke and Wokeism is tied to the rise of aggressive left wing irrationality.

Correct Definitions

This one is tricky as I have mentioned, defining an irrational concept is difficult. We are likely to end up with many correct definitions due to the varied nature and claims of those who believe in woke ideology.

“The the rejection of truth as a category” – Matt Walsh
From Youtube – Unless We Reject This Belief System, We Are Doomed

“An irrational leftist”
Example… “They is woke… obviously”

“Irrational Leftism”
Example “The Labour Party went woke when they passed that law”

“The authoritarian pseudo-progressive usurpation of liberalism.”

Definion of Wokeism…

“Wokeism is a system that suggests that all inequalities of outcome are results of systems of oppression” – Ben Shapiro
From Youtube – Ben Shapiro REACTS to INSANE Woke Religion TikToks | Part 3

Concluding Remarks

The word Woke cannot be considered to be an example of leftist doublespeak nor can it be considered an example of overwriting an existing word.

An article on the crimson said this about Woke…

“This biased nomenclature is rooted in a belief held by some on the left that people are only conservative because they are uneducated. If only people were smarter, more informed, more woke, then surely they would see the Democratic light and switch sides. Nevertheless, it is crucial to see the fault in this mindset.”

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