Sky News Australia, is one of the few mostly trustworthy new sites in the world.

A Bombshell news video has come online regarding leaked emails on transgender health. I encourage you to watch the video before proceeding with my article.

However as a person with a long memory. It is extremely disappointing that people are treating this as new information.

On the 28th September 2002 a newspaper in New Zealand ran this article…

To be clear, we are not talking about 2022, nor are we talking about 2012. We are talking about 2002.

It was common knowledge that this was harmful and the risks outweighed the benefits decades before anyone heard about transgenderism.

But isn’t it just incredible that when trans people started using these we were all given a social panacea… for trans people there was no harm.

Now I should respond, but I don’t have to, allow me to tell you why.

Most social media sites have banned any criticism of transgender ideology and the massive harm it causes.

However the YouTube comments section is mostly still a free place to speak.

Hilariously some left wing extremists have insisted that the YouTube comments section is full of right wing “bots”. They would say that of course, they don’t seem to be capable of admitting that people who disagree with them, in large numbers… will find a place to have a say. The truth finds a way.

This is especially true when those on the side of truth are correct on every damn point.

Here are some gems from the comments section of this video only…

“Hormone replacement therapy surged in the 1990’s until the negative side effects appeared and were more life threatening than the condition being treated. The idea that massive doses of the other hormone is safe for life starting in the teens or earlier is simply insane.”

“When a doctor can get fired for misgendering a child but not for giving them cancer…. you know you have the wrong people in charge.”

“I’ve never seen medical malpractice praised before.”

“What an insane time we live in.”

“It’s absurd that people insist that these treatments are paid by taxpayer’s money and when they get sick, they are yet again treated with taxpayer’s money. No wonder healthcare is in crisis everywhere in the world.”

“Meanwhile in the US we have some dimwit prancing about in a girly sailor suit claiming these “treatments” are “life saving” for minors. A reckoning is coming for all the despicable people who pushed this on confused, troubled youngsters.”

“For years menopausal women took hormone replacement… breast cancer rate soared. Then older men on testosterone and their cancer rose. What did doctors think would happen… duh.”

“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” Voltaire .

“Poor children who fall prey to these demons.”

“Anything to appease the rainbow serpent”

“The Hippocratic oath states “ first , do no harm.”

“These doctors should at the very least lose their license to practice”

“Stop leaking their emails, start holding them accountable”

“This story is going to be buried so hard. Bet that only SkyNews covers this”

“I’m a nurse and I’ve been saying this for years. Any doctor doing this (and having been proven to know the risks and not disclosing them) needs to be prosecuted. I worked in nursing homes in Illinois and kept getting their Frankenstein experiments delivered to me to care for. These poor people. One of them had to have both his legs amputated immediately after hormones from blood clots. This isn’t health care, this is eugenics on autistic people. I know I sound insane but I looked into it profoundly and that’s the conclusion I’ve come to.”

“Transphobia saves lives!”

“I just had this same thought, people who labelled transphobes actually care for these people more than the ppl who affirm them”

Hippocratic oath:
“First, do no harm.”

Hypocritic Oath:
“First, do what’s woke.”

“It’s not “malpractice”; it’s medical battery: The intent to cause harm by conducting non-emergency procedures without consent or from consent given under duress (the suicide myth as part of the mis-informed consent process).”

“The simple answer is that there are way too many DOCTORS and POLITICIANS out there with a GOD COMPLEX.”

“if a doctor did this to one of my kids id get life”

“Not if I was on your jury you wouldn’t. (response to above)”

“A person talking to young children about gender and sexuality only has nefarious intentions towards children.”

“It’s like the world has completely lost its sanity”

“Common sense told us that “patients” weren’t understanding ramifications present and future when this crazy began. But we were called bigots.”

“A woman is naturally born, not constructed after birth”

“Puberty is a right of passage into adulthood, not a medical condition to $in on.”

“When I was a student I practiced rowing in the 80s. Our coach was a Czechoslovakian female athlete who had defected during a trip to the west for sports competitions.

Like many female athletes from the communist bloc, she had received testosterone injections to boost her sporting performance. She had developed all kinds of health problems and deformities. It was heartbreaking. No one can pretend we didn’t know the after effects. We have hundred of references from lots of medical cases dating back to the cold war from the USSR and the communist countries.”


“Wait, you mean children don’t understand the consequences of their actions? Well I’m shocked.”

“Long prison sentences are in order for these ghouls.”

“I wrote to my local politician in South Australia who in turn passed the message onto the Health Minister of South Australia because my son got hormones and blockers after two 15 minute appointments. It took a further 18 months to get his ADHD diagnosis! The Health ministers response. NOT INTERESTED!!!”

“It is like Tavistock never happened.”

“The parents of the children being transitioned don’t deserve the grandchildren they will never have.”

“When I was a kid, I remember the biggest fear was that my school age peers would introduce me to drugs and other harmful behaviors. It has been a few decades and now the danger has changed. Now, teachers who propose violent and irreversible harm to minors are more dangerous than the drugs. Also seemingly more common. “Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!””

“Damn the risks, full Wokeness ahead.”

“These doctors can write a book called: “Monetizing Eugenics for Dummies.””

“This seems to me to be a form of eugenics and eerily similar to Mengele levels of medical experiments.”

“Do no harm must not be a thing anymore.”

“Very sad times.”

“It’s NOT care… it’s Frankenstein experimenting and very very evil. Drs aught to be thrown in prison for agreeing to do any of this, especially when they know how the human body works.”

“And to think past generations fought in wars against this malpractice.”

“Forget the lawsuits (which do need to happen). These “doctors”, and the other ideologues that pressure people into getting these “treatments” need to be criminally charged.”

“How is this not playing in every news channel?? We are fucked!!”

“Anything that goes against the natural order of things will have consequences. Anything… food, medicine, lifestyle”

“Anyone with a moral compass knew this was the case.”

“”Misadventure” is misfortune or a mishap. These doctors are committing malpractice, hurting and killing kids, and should be sued and have their licenses revoked”

“Why would they care about cancer, it makes them money…”

I” did a “David Bowie” and a “Clockwork Orange” to myself when I was at Art College during the Disco era, 1975. I became all butch again when it was 1982. Thank god it was not permanent. I can’t imagine myself being like that today.”

“”Someone in their late 20s” Most people realise in their 30s or 40s that your 20s were just your late childhood.”

“And the progs will still deny and gaslight. Such evil people.”

“Horrifying. Sending women in to menopause in the prime of life is barbaric”

“Are these hormones the only product NOT labeled as “known to the State of California to cause cancer”?”

“Once we crossed the line ‘to do no harm’ when the abortion industry cranked up, we have justified other harms such as the gender renovation industry.

“This is just sickening. Removing a 16 year old girls healthy breasts. JAIL TIME!”

“They admitted that the “pill” increases a woman’s risk of cancer by around 1/3! Ages ago. They tried to keep it quiet. Bet most women taking it don’t know this = zero informed consent. I did and stopped it. Their response to the increased risk when found out was a woman’s right to kill her baby was far more important. Beggars belief. Evil folk.”

“There are more people worring about cancer from second hand smoke from cigarettes. Too bad people have forgotten how to think .”

“It’s not lost on me that there were two parts to the Nuremburg trials: One part for the leaders of the Nazi regime as well as those in the camps who committed atrocities, and the second part for doctors of the Nazi regime. They didn’t have trials for lawyers or engineers, but for doctors. I think that says a lot.”

“Abortions, assisted suicide (known as euthanasia), random amputations. When did doctors become professional butchers’, instead of protecting and preserving life”

“These doctors are animals. They’d give the nazi experimental doctors a run for their money.”

Now all of those comments are just amazing and go to show how widespread the dissent is. There is enough ammunition in those quotes to keep me writing articles for years to come.

However I would like to conclude with a common theme from this site. Trans people seem to by under the idea that if they keep pushing society, they will be accepted the same way that gay people have been. They just need to keep pushing.

The problem with that idea is that being gay doesn’t involve anyone else accepting anything that is untrue to them, their society, or their children. Trans ideology and practice does.

So for this reason support for Transgenderism is going to decline. It will never be accepted the way the LGB has been.

So I will finish with one last quote from the comments section…

“We’re going to look back at all these treatments and procedures the same way we look at lobotomies today”

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