It’s not well know, but Chloe’s family has a long and conservative history.

Chloe’s ancestors were among the early Amish settlers. Here is a photo of an Amish gathering from the early 20th century.

Chloe’s great grandmother is clearly visible at The Far Right of the photo, she is the one holding the Big American Pie.

The resemblance is just… uncanny.

Now there is a little know fact about Amish culture. You see when a young person is a teenager something called Rumspringa is an option. This is where they can get a taste of the modern life such as getting a cellphone.

That way when they are given the choice to fully participate in the Amish way of life… they have made a conscious decision to make the sacrifice.

Sadly for young Chloe, when Rumspringa came around… she gapped it as they say here in New Zealand.

She did a runner.

Chloe, like so many others had heard that New Zealand was a real liberal paradise… and that’s all she needed to know.

However, like so many young people raised strict, when she rebelled she overcompensated a bit. Going full tilt on radical left wing politics.

You name a cause… she’s a part of it.

You name a bandwagon… she’s jumped on it.

Oh… but her days of jumping on a real bandwagon are sadly long gone.

No more jigs for this Amish miss.

Now you might be interested to know that Chloe is now part of what’s called the rainbow.

For those of you who don’t know, the rainbow refers to the multicultural society we have here in New Zealand.

This means Chloe is super tolerant of diverse minority political opinions such as Christian Fundamentalism, non woke women’s rights, Libertarianism, free market capitalism, free speech, parental rights and conservatism.

Now I am famous as a matchmaker… so if you are a young conservative Chloe might just be the gal for you. Make sure you watch “taming of the shrew first”. Back in my day we got to watch that at school… without a trigger warning!

So if you have eyes for young Chloe, you make sure to ask her…

Hey Chloe… how’s your Rumspringa?

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