If those of us on the side of truth and true justice want to win the culture war. We need a good collection of quotes. Lets get straight into the big guns…

“When someone is accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

“Offence can never be given, only taken”

“you can commit an injustice by doing nothing also.” Marcus Aurelius

“You gotta start thinking strategically here, you’re in a war, a war is a sequence of battles, you better get your arms in order.” Jordan Peterson – Youtube “you must stand up to woke ideologies”

“The (Trans) movement has to keep patching and shoring up its beliefs, policing the faithful, coercing the heretics, and punishing apostates, because as soon as its furious efforts flag for a moment or someone successfully stands up to it, the whole charade is exposed. That’s what happens when your dogmas are so contrary to obvious, basic, everyday truths. “https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/transgender-ideology-riddled-contradictions-here-are-the-big-ones

“the obligation to obey civil government under the social contract was conditional upon the protection of the natural rights of each person” John Locke https://www.britannica.com/topic/social-contract

“these people are ideologically captured and the worst part is if you try to tell them… you’re not going anywhere. Because its so deep that even arguing with them about it, triggers them to believe that you are some kind of evil racist bigoted person. So they don’t even want to hear it. If you don’t agree with what they are saying you are part of the problem and you need to be cancelled. It’s so dangerous these beliefs, its like a cult like system. You tell people believe in X and if anyone challenges X… that’s the proof of X.
Youtube – Woke College Student Calls Jordan Peterson STUPID! Instantly OWNED

“Yes, but now hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me I’ve realised that this movement poses no risk to women whatsoever.” J K Rowling

“It’s so intriguing to me that a group that demands you accept them, will stop at nothing to ruin your life if they don’t accept you.”

“the lgbt mob demands total acquiescence, absolute submission, you must give up your values, your beliefs, your sense of right and wrong, your common sense, your faith, your understanding of basic biological reality, your soul, and in return they give you nothing. That’s the Deal”
Matt Walsh – Youtube “This Baseball Player is a Coward”

“Apart from changing the commonly accepted meanings of words, they will also use the ordinary people’s decency against them. They will portray themselves as down trodden and oppressed to gain sympathy, then attack the same people who tried to accommodate them. Criminals have the same mentality.”

You can’t accept what you are but want me to accept what you think you are.”

“there is something quite extraordinary about a police officer telling a group of gay women you can’t be on this gay pride march because you’ve upset some men some trans male activists over there and therefore you have to leave” Julia Hartley-Brewer
Youtube – Julia Hartley Brewer fumes after lesbians removed from Pride over trans row

“Its really about an ideology, its about gender identity ideology, and telling everybody… I get told YOU HAVE A GENDER IDENTITY, and I say well actually um… no I don’t… YES YOU DO, EVERYONES GOT ONE, and this is a kind of quasi religion” Bev Jackson
Youtube – Julia Hartley Brewer fumes after lesbians removed from Pride over trans row

“There are levels of ignorance that are so deep that they are unable to recognize themselves, you know so little about what you’re talking about that you can’t even tell that you don’t know anything about it.” Jordan Peterson Youtube “Overconfident Atheist Tries To Cancel Jordan Peterson, gets DESTROYED Instantly!”

“’Cis’ is ideological language, signifying belief in the unfalsifiable concept of gender identity. You have a perfect right to believe in unprovable essences that may or may not match the sexed body, but the rest of us have a right to disagree, and to refuse to adopt your jargon. “ – J K Rowling

“The cult-like nature of gender ideology means that the tiniest challenge to it is heresy, there is no debate, just mostly online bullying.”

“The notion that there’s such a thing as “gender”, that’s not right, there’s variability in personality and temperament and the idea that there is no such thing as biological sex that’s just insane” Youtube – Jordan Peterson’s Thoughts on Transgenderism

“Women are getting pregnant in prison all of a sudden and they’re like “how is this happening”” Zuby – Youtube “This is exactly why transgenderism is wrong”

“what about intersex people, but again intersex people don’t really have the reproductive functions of both sexes, therefore they are not really inter sex, they suffer from a genetic abnormality, and we can only call it a genetic abnormality because we know how things are supposed to look normally.” Matt Walsh

The following series all come from Youtube – Parential Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity

“We want as you know in psychiatry and psychology we want people to have a stable identity, people want to know who they are, they don’t want to be confused about who they are they certainly don’t want to be confused about something as important as whether they are male or female.” Miriam Grossman

“The meaning of identity is that its something that is more or less fixed, not that it’s something that’s a big question mark” Miriam Grossman

“The American psychological association announced in its guidelines for gender affirming care that there were no valid long term studies of the psychological consequences of transitioning. And they attributed that to the prejudice on the part of clinicians and researchers against the trans community which is of course absolutely preposterous accusation but be that as it may. But then 3 or 4 pages later they said well the evidence is clear that if you dont help people transition early, that their mental health outcome is much worse including the risk for suicide. Now both of those can’t be true, we can’t have an absolute dearth of long term follow up studies on the gender transformation front because of prejudice in the research field AND know without a doubt that youthful transition is the best path way to mental health which it most certainly and 100 percent is not. But that hasn’t stopped idiot coward psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers etc from saying such things to parents as ‘well would you rather have a dead child or a live trans child’ and so they put that at the feet of the parents which is well if you object to this what you are doing is increasing the suicide risk for your troubled child. Which is about a cruel a thing as you could possibly say to parents. I can’t imagine something more manipulative, and also something so ungrounded in anything approximating clinical fact.” Jordan Peterson

“In our current political and Ideological climate, if you dare to grieve about the fact that your child is being pushed towards surgical sterilisation by idiot ideologues then not only is that inappropriate its positively morally unacceptable right, because apparently this is something that all good thinking people including parents should only celebrate and if you oppose it in any manner what so ever, not only is that inappropriate its positive evidence that you’re a bigoted misogynistic exclusionary you know racist homophobe. All the satanic adjectives you can possibly imagine are going to be dumped on you.” Jordan Peterson

“Even parents who went through divorces, or cancer or 911 or what have you, terrible things, and they were able to go through those things without psychiatric help, without medication. This particular issue, they tell me, this is worse than all of that.” Miriam Grossman

“Each cell in our bodies, except for cells that don’t have a nucleus which are very few, but every cell that has a nucleus is stamped male or female and it makes a difference” Miriam Grossman

“Well the thing is kids are being led to believe and parents are being led to believe that you can step in with these very powerful medications these hormones and you can deny biology, and you can pause biology, and you can create a persona of the opposite sex without paying a huge price. That is the lie that is being told Miriam Grossman

“You mean like a whole missing forearm for example and a penis that doesn’t work and sterility and lowered voice and decreased bone density and the increased probability of the development of cancer, no evidence what so ever of any mental health benefit and all the trauma that you put your family through and all the regret that’s going to emerge later in life when you find out that you are sterile, no ability to breast feed, complete loss of erotic sensation in the nipples and etc etc, you mean those risks? Those trivial by the way side risks that are completely ignorable given all the euphoria you are going to experience when you put yourselves in the hands of liars and butchers” Jordan Peterson

“You’re opening a Pandora’s very very dangerous Pandora’s box here, and I don’t even know if the activists themselves realize that” Zuby – Youtube “gender ideology is more dangerous than you think

“If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire

“There has never been a group as fractionally tiny as the trans population and yet so visible. There has never been a community so small and yet so accommodated by society.
For the sake of trans people we have changed the English language, thrown out the rules of grammar, passed laws effectively abolished women’s sports, tossed biological science into the wood chipper. Come to think of it, there has never been a population of any size, majority or minority, thats been given those sorts of considerations. Matt Walsh
Youtube – Woke Fathers Tweets Accidentally Expose an awful truth

“LBG is about relationships, its about love, its about sex, its about who you are attracted to, are you attracted to men, are you attracted to women, or are you attracted to both its very clear sexual orientation. T and Q and all the other letters that have been added since then are about identity issues, they are completely separate and it has caused a lot of confusion.” Bev Jackson – Youtube You Cant change Sex LGB Alliance Founder Debates Transgender Inclusion

“Taking away someone’s ability to have children before they have the ability to comprehend what it means to be a parent is horrible.” – Youtube comment

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