
This word is a little different than most words in the Woke Dictionary. Most woke words rate high on Orwellian doublespeak. However this one does not.


To be frank, trans and gender activists are in complete denial about biology. Their entire ideology depends on ignoring this branch of science, and our reality as biological primates. Mammals. The reality that we are sexually dimorphic.

Woke people simply cannot acknowledge any of this as reality.

So it is incredibly ironic that a group of people reject biology completely, and yet the are willing to use a Latin and scientific term related to biology to define people in accordance with their ideology.

Naturally they butchered it.

Now there is no correct version of this word. Because it was made up in the last few decades for ideological purposes. A rare example of a word not taken over.

Woke Definition

The woke definition is…

“a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth”

This is compete rubbish, you will constantly hear trans activists talk about sex being assigned at birth or registered. As if biology is nothing but a sheet of paper.

Of course the reality is that sex is innate and cannot be changed and is all important due to it’s unbreakable link to what a person can actually do. Such as giving birth to a baby.

Correct Definition

So the best correct definition I have been able to find is by Leo Kearse, he calls it…

“A pejorative slur lifted from Latin to give it pseudo scientific gravitas”

Basically the gender activist are proving that they have the brain of a Marxist bastard where everyone must be either bourgeois or proletarian.

No one can be a normal human living their life. The ideology doesn’t allow it.

Therefore everyone has to be labelled according to the ideology… CIS or TRANS.

Of course it is all pseudo science and there is no Cis or Trans, just people. Including ideologically driven idiots who created this mess.

Here is Leo giving his definition.

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