According to Lilly Wachowski, The Matrix is a trans metaphor. Now that’s interesting because the Matrix came out in 1999, the assertion that it is a metaphor was revealed in 2020. That is an unusually long delay before announcing a hidden meaning to a movie series. Hopefully its not just a silly assertion made after the fact, the timing couldn’t be better… announcing it at the height of the trans movement, it looks a lot like jumping on the bandwagon.

I looked into the evidence provided to back up this assertion and found very little.

So I would like to make a counter assertion, that the Movie The Matrix actually proves that transgenderism doesn’t exist. Rather than pick apart the whole movie scene by scene I will cover key points that back up this assertion.

My first assertion – There is a BIG emphasis on truth, and mental prisons in the matrix.

Here is some dialogue…

Morpheus asserts “It (the Matrix) is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo “What truth”
Morpheus “That you are a slave Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.”

Morpheus goes on to say slightly later in the dialogue “All I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

Ok, so these few lines of dialogue alone give us a fantastic head start regarding destroying the idea that this movie is a metaphor for transgenderism.

Firstly, Neo wants the truth, in the real world trans people are practically allergic to the truth, trans people cannot even handle a simple discussion about the truth. Trans people don’t want to hear the truth, Neo does… this concept alone destroys the whole idea about this being a trans metaphor, no one who is going down the Gender Ideology rabbit hole can claim to be searching for truth. But as always lets add more nails to the coffin.

Morpheus states that the Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Now Biological Sex is truth, so sex cannot be the wool over they eyes. But gender can be the wool, and this is the truth. That Gender is the wool that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Therefore freeing you mind from gender ideology will allow you to see the real world. To see the truth.

Morpheus reasserts that he is just offering the truth, the fact that this concept is drilled into this dialogue makes it very clear that the truth is the central concept.

Now lets put a big nail in the coffin

Morpheus asserts “born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.”

Now if this is a metaphor for the world we live in, we know that any person can have a free mind, even if you are in a real prison your mind still belongs to you. So in the real world the only “prisons for the minds” that exist are ideologies. Ideologies like transgenderism. An ideology like transgenderism that obscures the truth.

Remember people don’t have ideas… ideas have people.

So it logically follows, that if a person wants the truth, and wants to free their mind, then they need to swallow the concept (represented by a pill) that the ideological wool that has been pulled over their eyes, is the ideology of transgenderism.

Morpheus states later “I didn’t say it would be easy Neo, I just said it would be the truth” Again reinforcing how important the truth is.

Now that the coffin is securely nailed lets start the burial.

When Neo goes to meet the Oracle he meets a boy who bends spoons. Now this is interesting because remember that Morpehus mentioned the Matrix (gender ideology) being a prison for the mind. The fact that they boy can bend spoons makes perfect sense right…

When you are ideologically captured you can bend reality to suit yourself. People who aren’t in the ideologically captured world can’t. Interesting… lets see how the dialogue develops.

“Do not try to bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon.”

Now this scene couldn’t be clearer (Lets put the dirt on the coffin), the whole gender ideology of breaking apart the concepts of male and female, of creating many, many genders, of bending the spoon as it were. Is wrong, its not real, the assertion that it is real is ideological dribble. Also it reinforces again, that the point here is the find the truth. To free yourself from some kind of dreamy fictitious identity.

The TRUTH is there is no spoon, it can’t be bent, There is no gender as trans people know it.

The boy then asserts that is it yourself you are bending. Perfect. This is sewing the grass on the soil above the coffin as I will now assert…

You can bend yourself, you can bend your perception and believe whatever you want (and NOBODY wants to stop that), just don’t expect others to accommodate it or support your assertion that it is the truth.

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