In 2022, the New Zealand government handed trans activists what was essentially a social coup. The conversion therapy act had given trans activists a tremendous amount of power to prevent dissent from their radical and contradictory ideology, and I do mean power, the conversion therapy bill is such a totalitarian piece of legislation that it even regulates against encouragement!

You would except that any group that had been handed such unprecedented power, would respond magnanimously.

I will put it to you this way, after being handed those powers… how would the trans activists in New Zealand respond?

Would they respond like Mandela, with a sense of forgiveness and acceptance and humility? Or would they respond like Guevara, seeking and executing the opposition?

So the stage was set for New Zealand to find out.

A little over a year after that bill was passed, women’s rights activists invited a speaker known as Posie Parker to New Zealand.

The fact that the women’s rights activists invited someone outside the country to speak is interesting.

Obviously a lot of women in New Zealand feel their traditional rights being attacked. But sadly New Zealand does not have a home grown orator willing to champion their rights.

I am willing to speculate that the reason we don’t have a home grown champion in this country probably has to do with fear. Fear of being stigmatised and harassed.

Sadly we have gone from being the first country in the world to give women the right to vote. To being a country where women have to bring in outsiders because the locals are uncomfortable to bear the burden or the consequences of expressing their rights.

That means that the environment for women’s rights is probably worse and more hostile that it was in the 1800s. And you call that progress?

I have even heard some women’s rights activists being called Misogynists, Which is just asinine.

I think Kate Sheppard would be rolling in her grave.

So in March 2023 Posie Parker arrived in New Zealand. The activists opposing her, sadly revealed their position on the Mandela Guevara spectrum immediately.

They tried to block her from even getting in the country. Apparently some right wing radicals came to an event in Aussie, and the left seem to believe in guilt by association… when it suits them.

When Parker did arrive the trans activists protested loudly enough to effectively drown out Parker’s speaking, and she was assaulted as well.

Now at this point I should point out a problem to the people who were part of that activism.

It may not have occurred to you, but organising you own protest is one thing. However, organising a counter protest is another thing altogether.

If you counter protest, you are not expressing your rights. What you are doing is intentionally trying to take someone else’s rights away from them. Period.

This is especially true when you make so much noise and provide so much hostilely that the speaker cannot even exercise their basic rights.

To be clear, if the gender ideologues and trans activists wanted to express their views, they had the freedom to choose any other day they wanted. They chose to take from others.

I really am wondering what kind of lowlife you have to be to prevent a women from speaking.

However the activists even went so far as to attend other events that had been cancelled. Just to make absolutely sure no one dared oppose them.

As far as I am aware, this is the first time a Women’s rights activist has been prevented from speaking by a hostile crowd in New Zealand… ever. If you were one of the people responsible for that, then I hope that one day you realize the extent of your ignorance.

The comments from politicians were terrible.

The immigration minister, Michael Wood called Parker’s views repugnant.

I would love for him to write an article explaining why a women expressing mainstream views on women’s rights is repugnant. Perhaps he can start by defining what a women is? I would dearly love for New Zealand’s media to start asking the hard questions (they never do). Seeing the mental gymnastics when a politician tries to explain how a man in a dress is a women would be entertaining.

But the award for a Politician who’s response is at the top of the shitheap goes to Chole Swarbrick. On the TV1 breakfast show the following points were presented.

She stated that we “will not tolerate intolerance”. However she said this in defence of the counter protestors who prevented Parker from speaking, but the irony that she was the one being intolerant didn’t occur to her.

Swarbrick encourages listeners to “zoom out”, however if you are condemning a person before listening to their speech… you probably need to zoom out a lot further.

Swarbrick went on to climb to the peak when she came to the defence of Eliana, the person who assaulted Parker. Swarbrick defends Eliana’s assault because Eliana has been a victim of violence!

So there you have it, a New Zealand member of Parliament goes on television and informs us that two wrongs do make a right. Thereby proving that on the most basic level that she and the entire movement she defends… doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong.

Parker herself had the last word, upon her departure she simply said…

“This country’s fucked.”

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